Saturday, December 22, 2012

Last night in Saint John

The time has finally come. I felt that it all happened too fast that I didn't have much time to feel much. Was too busy packing my luggage and cleaning up the whole apartment for the last 2 days in Saint John. Sleeping for like 4 hours on both days, too tired to even think about how I really feel about leaving. In fact at that point of time I can't wait to leave because packing was a pain.

On the last night, we headed to town to catch a musical at the Saint John imperial theatre. Dancin' into Christmas! It was a dance performance put up by people ranging from little kids to adults. The little kids were super cute and innocent on stage. They were so young (2-3 years old maybe?) that they cannot remember their dance steps, they were constantly looking at the side, there's probably someone hiding there to guide the steps. It was more like a freestyle dance whenever they come out, I don't know who is dancing the original choreographed dance anymore because everyone is dancing different stuff according to their own beat. Oh well, they are kids. The audience was very entertained by their innocence. Love the lyrical dances and cabaret the most! Tap dance was cool too!

Oh and on the last night it snowed heavily as well! It's like FINALLY snowing heavily. So pretty! Was walking in snow while heading to the imperial theatre. So glad to experience this before I leave. One night is enough. It was so difficult to walk in thick snowed we took like twice the amount of time than usual to walk since it's pretty slippery.

So I've officially left Saint John, won't be going back there anymore. I'm not really missing it, yet. And I've began my 14 days of holidays in US! :>

View from the back of my apartment which I have never seen before until the day I am leaving.

First snowman I have ever built!

Last shot outside the apartment while waiting for the cab

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