Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I'm really happy because I do feel the sense of accomplishment. I studied pretty hard for it, okay actually I was half studying hard and half telling myself I only need to pass. But I did study more than what's required of an exchange student. It just feels wrong not to study hard for exams, although its pass fail. I would still want to do my best to get decent results. I never felt this motivated in NTU! Honestly, I was never this hardworking in NTU. Maybe its the environment, I study better when when it's less stressful, no pressure to pull GPA, no bell curve, and perhaps the papers are really easier too so I know I can score if I study.

Peer pressure really helps, when I see my friends study, I feel obliged to. Maybe that's why I haven't been doing well in NTU, because I'm always studying alone, the only time I headed out to study was Year 1 Sem 1, that's when I had the best GPA. Deep down I know that I study best outside, but my laziness gets over me each semester. End up watching TV + napping every single time at home instead of studying. I really wish I can rewind time, I promise I'll study harder in NTU. But oh well, only one last semester left. We shall see. There are so many things I want to do. I'm thankful I got my 2 day week timetable, this leaves me more time to do other stuff like cafe hopping and baking, or even taking up a part time job to fund my grad trip. Shouldn't always take parents' money right! Oh well, a little too ambitious hoping to achieve so many things. I just hope I won't end up lazing around at home on non-school days.

One last day left in Saint John. 4 months flew by so quickly. Traveling US for the next 14 days but it hasn't really hit me yet. I'm not exactly excited about that for now. I'm actually a littleeee happy that I will be heading home soon, pretty mixed feelings.

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